INSIGHT Magazine
Winter 2022

The Chicago School releases INSIGHT Magazine annually. Winter 2022's issue revolved around many different issues in the psychology field, with the main feature being about the Model Minority Myth.
This year, I was able to help design the cover feature, "The Model Minority Myth", as well as the "On Campus" section in the front of the book.

"The Model Minority Myth" discussed the issues the Asian American Pacific Islander community faces while dealing with the myth that they're the "perfect minority". Because this is such a serious topic, I wanted the design to reflect that. I wanted the sole focus to be split between the woman in the image, and the words on the page. I wanted the layout to be beautiful, but because this topic is so important, I wanted the words to pop out. This is why I used an abstract light background. It was created by zooming in on the blurred city background in the cover photo. This light abstract background created the perfect color scheme for the dark grey words. It pulled the focus to the words while keeping consistency with the main image on the first spread and cover.
Below are some sample pages of the "On Campus" section of the front of the book. This section of the magazine is templated, but still takes finesse to make sure the content lays out well within the page.